Motorcycle couple

Cycle Out Cancer

We Ride So Others May live

Monthly Rides

First Friday of the Month - May - June - July - Aug - September

The first Friday of these months we honor past members who have had cancer but are no longer with us. Our route may include a lunch at their favorite watering role, a visit to their surving spouse,or a visit to the cemetary to decorate their grave. Contact Cycle Out Cancer for more information on commemorative riders in your area.

Rider Safety

All riders must adhere to basic safety rules while on our riders:

  1. Gear up: Wear an approved helmet and protective clothing appropriate for the weather.
  2. Maintain the big stuff: Check your tires, breaks, fluids, electronics, and frame before each ride.
  3. Obey all traffic law, lights, and signs.
  4. Drive defensively and respectfully even when others do not.

Rides and Activities

Rides and activities are currently being planned for these hospitals in the coming year:

Contact Cycle Out Cancer for up-to-date schedules.